Saturday, March 10, 2012

Guardian of Knowledge

Art Statement
As a teacher one is a guardian of knowledge and wisdom. It is the job of teachers to inspire and impart the wisdom that they have been entrusted with to their students and to the next generation. It is also the duty of teachers to protect their students from misinformation, so that they can continue on their path of discovery so that with each new step they have the tools to reinvent themselves and to grow as students and also as people. Because of the power that a teacher wield they must learn to temper themselves, over time through the experiences that they have lived through, allowing them to begin anew each day. Most any question can be answered by allowing for either a little more time or space, and as teachers we must learn to balance our existence in a harmonious manner so that we are able to fulfill our role as guardians, as paragons, as counselors, and as mentors.


  1. This piece demonstrates the highly metaphysical and cosmological role of balance that teachers have to play when spreading knowledge. The process of learning is not only an activity in the brain but extends to a cosmological activity where one is in touch with Yin and Yang, represented by the Dragon and Phoenix. I also like the western and eastern elements of the piece, making it universal.

  2. There main thing I notice is that there is a simultaneous sense of conflict and unity. On the left side I see different variations of thought, philosophy, and a striving to understand and grow intellectually. On the right I see a more goal oriented view of education. The baby represents the journey to adulthood and the role teachers play. The great wall represents obstacles in that journey. And the graduation cap and diploma represents the accomplishment of completing the journey. I think the yin-yang motif in the center is trying to communicate the balance that needs to take place.

    Yes, students need to be pushed and helped in order to graduate. And that is an important symbolic gesture of knowledge. But it doesn't necessarily equate to knowledge. Thus teachers should also motivate their students beyond that, and really try to expand their curiosity and minds.

  3. Friends and Family. I like the juxtaposition of the earthly with the infinite openness of space, binding the human mind inevitably to Earth, but showing the infinite possibilities the mind holds. That being said, the apple and graduation cap feel out of place to me... too modern for everything else going on in the piece. I wonder if there are some other images that might convey the same meaning while "feeling" more homogenous. I also enjoy the phoenix and dragon with the two halves of the brain. The brain almost looks like a blooming flower. I wonder if the artist intends the two halves to depict wisdom and knowledge, teacher and student, the creative and analytical halves of the brain, all of the above, or some other aspect of the education process. I enjoyed this piece a lot.

    Brett E.

  4. The piece seems to be conveying the calculating, and passionate sides of intelligence, and how they must be kept in balance. To me that is what a Teacher is all about. I dig it!

  5. I'm in 5th grade and even though im young i can tell a good piece when i see it:)
    (Marra Allen 5th grade)

  6. Each individual is the center of a universe. Experience forms their metaphysical existence. Therefore, reality may be determinant or consequential. The brain is the bridge or conncetion to many things-physical reality, fantasy, spirit, rationality, and many other characteristics of existence.

  7. The two mythical creatures in battle with one another, yet somehow in balance, shows the conflicted nature of Man. Two divergent and apparently warring forces coming together in a larger, transcendent harmony that not only is reflected in the brain, it IS the brain. Love it.

  8. The universe in the background seems to represent the infinite possibilities that the human mind is capable of. The balance offered by the teaching we receive is what makes this possible. Great piece!

  9. Family, and my favorite part of the piece is the universe and the two halves of the brain with the dragon and phoenix. I dont really have much else to say except the piece was interesting enough to catch my attention while I was half sleep. But I couldnt conform my thoughts well enough to comment.

  10. What I see is that following the path that educators put us on can lead us to the universe. What a great responsibility and blessing. I like the balance of fire and ice that show the turbulent journey of education.

  11. A true statement of what teachers could and should be.

  12. Being that I'm most likely done with my education, I will stay away from the academic speak and tell you in plain words what I think your piece means. The combination of your statement and what I pull from the piece makes me think of leadership. Leaders must be capable of inspiring and teaching those that come after them. In your case, your focus seems to be (and not to be negative at all) somewhat militant. There is a sense of right and wrong, good and bad, duty and honor. The piece itself even reminds me of Yin and Yang. Two sides of the same coin. For you, the path of the teacher is one that requires responsibility to those you teach. It is something that you take very seriously and this is made apparent by the images you chose. All of them represent power in one form or another. To me, however, the most powerful image is the background, believe it or not. It is an endless universe that is opened by the mind. Limitless possibilities come to light when under the tutelage of a good teacher. I myself remember those times when I "understood" things for the first time. It is an amazing feeling and I would imagine even moreso to be able to do this for others on a regular basis. Hmmm...maybe I should teach too. Only joking. Anyhow, I think that of all your work I appreciate this statement the most. The art just brings it that much more to life. Well done bro! Keep up the good work!

  13. Is that a brain or a colorful artichoke. I have a great deal of respect for teachers but the "Art Statement" is a bit overblown, don't ya think. I've had some good teachers that were not paragons or guardians let alone counselors or mentors. They just taught and strugled with their own lives outside the classroom. Some teachers were more involved than others, I don't know if it made them better teachers.
    An older friend.

  14. Everything in it feels vast, the infinate space behind the mind, the images of the body and the mind. What a can't ignore is the great wall on the right side. Not sure what it says to me, but it is interesting in the lack of images on the other side of the wall. Maybe showing the unknown or maybe showing the walls we build in our minds, things we block. Very nice, lots of things to make you think. - Larry Selvage, long time friend.

  15. You have always had a strong sense of what was right and wrong and what should be done. To be a teacher - no a good teacher and be able to impart knowledge and open up the world of possibilities for others is a powerful thing and brings great responsibiiity and requires patience. The student needs time to grow and explore their own possibilities. Balance is key to all things.

  16. Everything comes full circle and as a teacher you are constantly learning. As information and society changes one must engage students with conducive knowledge. As well promote qualities such as patience and possibilities by leading by example.


Your comments, suggestions, and questions are welcome.