Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Envision the Vision

Metaphoric Self-Portrait

Please click on the image to see an enlarged view


Education is a journey. It takes a long time to reach to the goal or accomplishment. No matter whom the individual, learners take many different paths like a rivers current going through education. Learners search for the goals using tools like people hunt. To go through the path is not easy. Like a river, it has a number of characteristics to go from one spot to the others. Sometimes, a river current can move fast to pass through an obstacle, and at others it flows slowly and takes its time. As becoming an art teacher, students need to go through the path of education, so they need guidance to help them on there journey. Like finding a star though a telescope, a teacher assists students using various tools and techniques as well as keeps them looking ahead to seek positive life results. All of these details are shaped and developed as well as viewed from ones own cultural background.




  1. The circle stencil looks nice! I consider primitive civilizations as being "young people." I perceive them as being underdeveloped in their knowledge, but at the same time I know ancient peoples had an awareness and understanding we do not know and which, in many cases, has been lost. Children are like this - developing, but with a naturally sophisticated understanding that can be lost or corrupted. In the movie Under the Tuscan Sun, the character Catherine says, "Fe Fe always said never lose your childlike innocence." This is advice worth taking. I think we teachers have to be careful of not over emphasizing our personal preferences, but do as Terry Barrett recommends that we encourage and consider many perspectives and many journeys. I sometimes feel we aren't able to offer enough opportunities to students. Perhaps we need to take more seriously our roles as "encourager." We need prod our students to see and experience their world (beyond the TV and the computer)and to keep their spirits sensitive to the wonders around them. "It's not what you look at that matters. It's what you see."
    Your work made me think, a lot. Therefore it is good. Well done.

  2. Students come from many different paths and join within a school and more specifically in the art classroom to explore paths they have taken and will be taking in a creative way. Within your artist statement you discussed the process and time taken to complete a goal or journey. I can appreciate the emphasis of the journey not the outcome (the process not the product). The guidance the teacher provides is so important in an educational setting that focuses on the process. Your image is very interesting and relevant to your artist statement. The metaphoric self-portrait invites me to investigate or become apart of a journey.

  3. I think by adding the circling element it really helps to convey your idea of the telescope. However, some of the objects floating in the water seem a bit randomly placed. They don't seem to relate to your statement, besides the obvious connection to what is used in the art room. I think your image would be stronger without some of those objects. The river and its current alone is enough for me to understand your idea of a journey or a path to follow.

  4. These are my thoughts on this art depiction.
    The idea of time, as being an aspect of our existence, is important as depicted. The flowing water shows me how our life is constantly flowing and that we never stop until the day we die. The telescope image makes me think of how we can look at the work of others who have lived in the past and learn from them. Music, either through an instrument or nature, is important as to each of us as it helps define us and helps others see us walking to our own beat/rhythm. I also liked the inclusion of the instruments used in art class. The greenery on top of the rocky surfaces reminds me of how a new perspective can always be found when times and circumstance are tough.
    What puzzled me about this portrait was what looked like a head of hair with things stuck in it. This may be a cultural depiction of something but I did not understand what it was or how it fit in with the rest of the portrait.

  5. A strong metaphor is used to connect life and art education. Life is a journey and teachers guide students on their journeys. The work looks great, but I do have some concerns. The black boarder looks to plain. The work has so much life to it and the boarder draws my eye away from what is important. In addition, some of the objects look like they’re floating in space. Something needs to happen to the guitar and books to make them sit better in the river. Overall, well done and great connection to art education.

  6. Your work made me ask some question and look into it a little further to fully understand and see everything that is being presented. To me that makes your work strong, you don't just give the answers or literal translation of your statement in visual form. I enjoy your use of a journey and a river to portray your views on education. The idea of the telescope is an interesting idea as well but in your statement you relate it to seeing a star not a river and a journey. I feel that there is a slight disconnect there but beyond that I believer that your piece is a success.

  7. I liked the graphics used to demonstrate your statement. It made me think of multiple paths/methods to achieve a single goal. I also like the idea of educators not only providing instruction, but also inspiring their students to learn on their own and above and beyond what the course materials cover. My favorite teachers were able to do this for me when I was in school.

  8. I think that the work you did was wonderdful, piece of art and good creativity. I like the way you can see everthing throuhg the lens of the telescope and the journey that the river represents with the art and teaching supplies. I use photoshop in my desktop publishing classs and looking at your work inspires me to be more creative and deep thinking in compositing my next assignment. Shawn Steward 12 Grader D.P.S. Crockett Desktop Publishing

  9. When I looked at your portrait I felt like I was looking through the eyes of an explorer, looking through a hole in a cave in the congo or something, pretty cool! When I initially saw the telescope I thought it was referencing the mixing of science and art, something which I believe is very important in art. However, after reading your statement, I see your purpose for using this image, and it was very successful!
    Some of the images appear to have just been plopped down on the page and look like they are floating in mid-air. I am not saying this is a bad thing, but I am wondering if you had a reason for that. Did you come me up with different ways to incorporate these images but decided to choose this one? Or did you just place them down and liked the way they looked the first time?

  10. I like how this portrait, it tells a story before you read the statement.Also it is really inspiring and leaves a postive message .I like how the artist expressed their opinion in a metaphoric manner . Overall ii really like this portrait ,you were very creative and its displays a high level of intelligents Great Job i can defintily see this in exbit or museum....Marilyn Williams 12th Grade Henry Ford High and Crockett Career and Techincal Center Adv DTP..

  11. Deonnia Sanders, 12th grader
    Crockett Career Tech. Center

    I liked it and it has alot of meaning to it. With going through school it is a journey and sometimes it can be hard. The teachers play a major role with the wole learning purpose. When i was reading the note about the picture i though of myself because i go through alot of paths and it is a big journey for. I like it mostly because its something i can relate to,

  12. I thought the idea of a river flowing from the heavens with various art elements in it very interesting. The cut out added a unique mat to the image that helped to center my eyes on the obects like the for men who are going on the journey.. The color is very soft and hot in spots to give flow 2 the visuals I understand the metaphor that is presented though the images and being an art teacher myself I can relate to them

  13. I like some of the changes you have made. The circle really frames it all and also contributes to the meaning! The image is very thought provoking. I enjoy the connection of the children or students playing the roll as hunters in your image. Children are always searching for input; they seek guidence, answers to questions, social connections and information that will help them make meaning out of their world. My only concern regarding your image is some of the school objects appear as visual clutter and a bit random. You a have successfully created some wonderful symbolic imagery. I am wondering if there is a way to experess the idea of school materials with out actually using images of school stuff?


Your comments, suggestions, and questions are welcome.