
Welcome! This Art Blogmentary is set up for Eastern Michigan University visual arts education students and the interested individuals to explore an application of blogs in art education. Feel free to comment on any of the metaphoric self-portraits posted here. For more information about Art Blogmentary, please click on the "Welcome" blog post under Blog Archive. Dr. Guey-Meei Yang
Education is a journey. It takes a long time to reach to the goal or accomplishment. No matter whom the individual, learners take many different paths like a rivers current going through education. Learners search for the goals using tools like people hunt. To go through the path is not easy. Like a river, it has a number of characteristics to go from one spot to the others. Sometimes, a river current can move fast to pass through an obstacle, and at others it flows slowly and takes its time. As becoming an art teacher, students need to go through the path of education, so they need guidance to help them on there journey. Like finding a star though a telescope, a teacher assists students using various tools and techniques as well as keeps them looking ahead to seek positive life results. All of these details are shaped and developed as well as viewed from ones own cultural background.
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Artist Statement
Art class is like a treasure hunt. The students are the adventurers and the teacher is the map. The map guides the adventurers to the treasure and has information and tools, like a compass rose, the adventurers can use to help them on their journey. The map does not force the adventurers to use the tools; they must choose to use these themselves. On their quest for treasure, the adventurers will encounter many different things, have many new experiences, and acquire new skills. By the end of their journey, they will have changed. They will have grown as a class and as individuals. Treasure maps do not usually reveal what the treasure is, only that there is treasure to be found. Each journey is slightly different for each student and each class. Some journeys are more difficult than others and some are more enlightening. The treasure a student finds at the end of the journey depends upon the student: that is why this treasure map ends with a question mark. The student’s effort to work and willingness to learn determine the treasure he or she finds.
As the core subject for developing creativity, art enables students to develop the originality they will use throughout their life. Art helps students analyze the multiple aspects, perspectives, and possibilities of a piece of art.
An art educator is a giving facilitator, who works with all of the students and addresses the different needs and ideas of every student in the class. Just as an apple may be sliced and put back together to become a whole, art education becomes a whole when a fusion of creativity, production, history, and evaluation occurs. To have a successful art experience the art educator must be flexible, and continue to reflect on the various outcomes of each lesson. Through high expectations the art educator pushes students so they can fulfill their creative potential.
Art education, like athletics, is also a continuing learning process that demonstrates the importance of accomplishing skills to expand on new ones. Gymnastics is the art of strength and flexibility that requires dedication. This combination of dedication through flexibility and dynamic leadership strength is vital for an art educator to ensure a successful learning experience for the students.
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My metaphoric self-portrait is based on the idea of the universe. This is done because it also relates to my art philosophy. The idea of using the universe came about from always furthering our knowledge as teachers. We need to be up to date on artists, movements, styles, methodology, and materials. This relates to the scientific theory that the universe is expanding, well at least our knowledge about the universe is still expanding. The images in the foreground also relate back to my teaching philosophy and who I want to be as a teacher. The male figure represents all of my students he is looking into a galaxy, and the information that he is seeing is being produced on the left side of the image. These are images from art history both western and non-western cultures are being represented. Global art images are used because I believe that through art we can create a global community by interoperating and understanding the art of other cultures. This is visually who I am and who I want to be as a teacher.
My Sketches
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